A Business Book For Entrepreneurs And Business Professionals To Develop a Success Mindset

Business Kung Fu book

I am extremely happy to announce that I have released my first book, Business Kung Fu. This book is essentially a mindset book geared towards entrepreneurs to help inspire and empower them on their entrepreneurial journey. The overall concept of the book is exploring parallels between martial arts and the world of business. I draw upon my years of learning and training Chinese Kung Fu and other forms of martial arts and how I applied it to running my past company. I hope to provide a roadmap for success in today’s challenging business environment. Readers will gain invaluable insights into:

  • How to build a winning foundation
  • The art of discipline and how to apply it
  • The importance of training to be a champion
  • How to pick your battles, handle wins, and overcome losses
  • Three areas leaders must focus on to maintain success … and much more!

The book has launched with much success immediately landing on Amazon’s best seller list in multiple categories for all versions of the book, Kindle, paperback and hardcover. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive with five star reviews. Notable Entrepreneur, Author and Keynote Speaker, Scott Duffy praises “Business Kung Fu” for its inspiring and empowering content. Duffy states, “I see Business Kung Fu as a guidebook for entrepreneurs like myself. Whether it is at the onset of the entrepreneurial journey or well into the thick of the battle. It’s a book that I can refer to over and over.”

Be on the lookout for more blog content on this website as I share content from the book including deeper dives into topics found within the book. Also be on the lookout for additional insights shared through social media on my own channels and interviews on podcasts.

BusinessKung Fu is currently available on Amazon and will be available in other locations soon. I wish everyone much success in your professional endeavors. Please remember to leave an honest review after reading the book. also, if you want to sample the first chapter before you buy, complete the form at the bottom of this site’s Business Kung Fu book page to download a promotional PDF copy. Enjoy!

Published On: November 22nd, 2023 / Categories: Leadership / Tags: , /

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